A Mantra For These Times by X Parrot (PG)

Mar 02, 2017 14:46

Show: SGA
Rec Category: Rodney McKay
Characters: Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett, Jennifer Keller, Samantha Carter
Categories: gen, episode related
Warnings: canon character deaths
Author on LJ:
Author's Website: Xparrot on AO3
Link: A Mantra For These Times
Summary by the author:
Missing scenes for "The Last Man" "It doesn't sound so bad." Untold parts of Rodney's story preceding his idea.

Why This Must Be Read:
Rodney's voice is down pat, it encapsulates his guilt and longing and need to fix this so well. I even liked Jennifer Keller in this.

( snippet of fic )

Occasionally Rodney allows himself to imagine a future so far ahead that nothing they're doing now will matter as anything more than a story. Imagines how Sheppard will be feted-Atlantis is millions of years old and might yet last a million more, and with this in mind he pictures Sheppard coming through the gate, to an Atlantis filled with their descendants across two thousand generations. "John Sheppard," they will tell him, laughing at the ancient legend coming true. "We've been waiting for you!"

character death, character: evan lorne, character: carson beckett, missing scene, episode related, character: ronon dex, character: samantha carter, drama, character: jennifer keller, character: teyla emmagan, angst, friendship, sga, character study, character: rodney mckay

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