Ambulance series by sabinelagrande (R)

Dec 17, 2016 11:17

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Crossover (IronMan)
Characters: John Shepard
Pairings: John Shepard/Tony Stark, John Shepard/Tony Stark/Pepper Potts
Categories:Slash, Threesome, Drama
Warnings: Slash
Author on LJ: sabinelagrande
Author's Website: AO3
Link: LiveJournal or AO3

Why This Must Be Read:

John starts his career not in the air force but as Tony Stark’s personal pilot, and ends up helping out with test piloting the iron man suits.

It's his backup pilot- the pretty one with the messy hair that Rhodey begged him to hire as a personal favor- and his backup plane- a crappy little Cessna that Tony is really only keeping around for sentimental reasons- so when the RPG comes screaming up at them, Tony assumes they're all going to crash and die horribly.

He's pleasantly surprised when they don't.


It's a week later and John is standing uncomfortably in the lobby of a restaurant where the water probably costs more than he makes in an hour. Mr. Stark has insisted on taking him out to dinner to show his gratitude- which is nice and all, but if Stark really wants to thank him he can start by getting John more flight time, because he's about one more hundred dollar paycheck from quitting and going to work at the Wal-Mart- and he is, of course, late.

Just as John is on the verge of leaving, the maitre d' tells him that Mr. Stark sends his regrets. He encourages John to have dinner on his tab, the man tells him, and informs him that the limo will arrive afterward so he can meet Mr. Stark for a drink.

John orders a steak the same size and price as a luxury sedan and washes it down with a beer he can't even pronounce the name of.

pairing: john/other, slash, het, crossover, sga

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