Yesterday's appeal worked, yay! Mind you, you're all welcome to sign up before the appeal... but the important thing is that we have lots of volunteers which will hopefully give us a rec-filled November. :)
The reccers for this month are:
angelus2hot: Het and Slash
goddess47: Jack O'Neill
magnavox_23: Jack/Daniel
mific: Crossover
patk: Team
popkin16: John/Rodney
smilebackwards: John Sheppard
We welcome our new reccer,
magnavox_23! I'll be around, too, making my usual random recs, as will the admins as recurrent reccers.
Reccers, you all have access and can start posting at any time - except Magnavox, who should please join so you can be given posting access. Remember that you have committed yourself to reccing at least two fics over the course of July, although of course we will be happy with more. Feel free to use the
copy-and-paste template from the reccer's FAQ for your convenience.