The Endless Memory by Eilidh17 (NC-17)

Oct 14, 2016 06:32

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Kidfic
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Teal'c, Samantha carter, Janet Frasier, OCs
Categories: Gen
Warnings: Mental Torture, Child in pain. Spoilers for The Gamekeeper.
Author's Website: Ancient Musings
Link: The Endless Memory, also on FFn here

Why This Must Be Read:Kidfic has a reputation for fluffiness and cuteness, and in many storiess it's deserved (and yes, it's a guilty pleasure of mine, even with the cute). This story, however, is anything but fluffy. It's harrowing, and I love it.

Daniel goes through both de-aging and a twisted Groundhog Day variation (endless repeated of the same four hours and anyone who has seen The Gamekeeper can guess which ones) as a punishment by the usual Aliens With Inscrutable Motives, but this time we are not expected to accept (unlike in a daunting number of AliensWithInscrutableMotives stories) that they have good reasons for what they did. Jack O'Neill certainly doesn't, and - given how cruel what they have done to little Daniel is - he's on the sort of warpath he's so good at.

Definitely recommended for people who like Daniel whumping, kidfic, teaminess and Jack going serious dark side to protect his own.

I focus on Daniel’s face. He’s quiet at the moment, but beneath that peaceful exterior is a mind in turmoil. I’d thank who ever is watching over him for these moments of small mercies, but that type of thinking tends to bite me in the ass when the monks’ little mind game starts up again and the kid is thrown back into his living nightmare.

character: daniel jackson, character: janet frasier, character: jack o'neill, character: teal'c, character: samantha carter, gen, character: original, angst, sg-1, kidfic

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