Snakeheads: A Love Story (by Taste_is_Sweet) (M)

Sep 21, 2016 03:16

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Goa'uld
Characters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard/Original character
Categories: slash
Warnings: Nil
Author on LJ: Taste_is_Sweet
Author's Website: See the AO3
Link: Snakeheads: A Love Story on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: Oh dear, I'm falling down on rec-posting due to deadline-hammering; will do better. This is the longest in a cluster of stories written in the Mer'deth 'verse sparked off by Lavvyan's initial fic Lord of the Sea. Several people wrote in the 'verse and there are three short comment-fics by Taste_is_Sweet that were then rolled up together and added-to in this story, Snakeheads. The whole 'verse is here at the Jaffa_for_Hire comm on LJ. I'm very fond of Snakeheads, which features a particularly unusual threesome.

"Believe me, we don't want to hurt your host," Sam said, looking apologetic but frighteningly resolute. "But that ZPM is vital for the defense of Earth."

They're going to torture you? Mer'deth sounded even more horrified than John. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. I can't let them do that! What if they hurt you?

"I think hurting me's kind of the point, Mer." John said out loud. SG-1 looked at him strangely, probably thinking this was some kind of ploy. "It doesn't matter," he went on quickly, "you can heal me, right? But that ZPM's the only leverage we have here!"

I know, John, Mer'deth said. But I don't care. I'm not going to let them hurt you!

John felt Mer'deth surging forward, and his whole body arched in the restraints as he fought him back, resisting in a way he hadn't since he'd willingly bared his chest to the Goa'uld two years before.

"What's happening?" Sam asked worriedly. Everyone was crowding around his bed, no clue what was going on.

"Listen to me!" John ground out, forcing the words between his teeth as he struggled to keep his body under his own control. "Mer'deth's brilliant, a genius. You need him. He can build…build you weapons, shields. Help you fight the Ori! You have--!"

John's words cut off on a cry. His body spasmed and then fell back to the bed as Mer'deth finally wrested control from him. For a second the world glowed orange as John looked out through what were now Mer'deth's eyes.

"I'll tell you where the ZPM is," Mer'deth said breathlessly with John's voice. "I'll give you the coordinates. Just--just don't hurt John. Please, don't hurt him. I'll tell you anything!"

"Well, that was easy," Cam drawled. He sounded almost disappointed.

drama, slash, angst, pairing: rodney/other, sg-1/sga, pairing: john/rodney

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