Tea and Sympathy (by sabinelagrande) (T)

Apr 29, 2016 01:45

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Outsider POV
Characters: John Sheppard, Ronon Dex,
Pairings: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Categories: slash and friendship
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: sabinelagrande
Author's Website: See the AO3
Link: Tea and Sympathy on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: This one isn't very outsidery, because it's Ronon's take as an (alien) friend, on John and Rodney's relationship. And yet it is outsider POV, because in not very many words, sabine manages to tell us a hell of a lot about Satedan culture and Atlantis culture, and how Atlantis - and John and Rodney - have weathered the ending of DADT. This fic is also great because it's funny - Sheppard bitching about Rodney is a hoot, and Ronon is the best non-listening listener ever. It always makes me laugh.

Sheppard was obviously angry about something.

Ronon raised an eyebrow at him. "You wanna talk?"

"It's nothing," he insisted, flipping a page like he was suddenly pissed off at golf clubs. Ronon waited for it. Five, four, three, two-

Sheppard threw down his magazine and sat up. "My boyfriend is out of his goddamned mind," he said fervently.

That was something he was still getting used to Sheppard saying. Not that McKay was out of his mind - Ronon had been pretty clear on that from the beginning. The boyfriend part, though, that was new. The bitching wasn't new, though, so Ronon just let it wash over him.

slash, friendship: rodney and ronon, point of view, sga, pairing: john/rodney

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