Our Great Divide, by Mar Komi (PG)

Apr 26, 2016 09:10

Our Great Divide, by Mar Komi (PG)
Show: SGA
Rec Category: Radek Zelenka
Characters: Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagen
Pairing: none
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen

Link: , or on FFnet

Why this must be read:

Hurt-comfort is definitely one of my guilty pleasures :) especially when the hurtee is one of my favourite characters, and this is really really good hurt-comfort. And alien bacteria/diseases can make for particularly satisyng hurt... this time poor Radek is the victim, slowly dying despite the efforts of three doctors (it's S5, so we have Keller, Carson (yay!!!) and the from-S1-but-extremely-memorable Biro). The reactions of all of the characters are lovely, (I loved Teyla's part) but especially, of course, his fellow scientist not-about-to-admit-it-for-a-moment friend and fierce, arrogant bulldog Rodney... another of my less guilty pleasures being the Radek and Rodney relationship, and the fact that, for all their bitching and bickering, they have a connection that the others don't get, Rodney understands what Radek would want in a way that non-scientists can't

Zelenka just tilted. He knocked over a coffee cart as he fell, and a tray and six empty mugs went crashing to the floor with him. John was on his feet in a nanosecond, but Ronon was closer and even faster. He lunged forward and caught the Czech just in time to prevent his head from hitting the floor.

The room fell dead quiet for a moment, then everybody got to their feet to have a closer look. Ronon turned Radek around and cradled him in his arms, and as John stepped up beside them the Satedan looked up at him. "He's burning."

John tapped his earpiece. "Medical team to the conference room."

"It'll be faster to just bring him there," Ronon said. He scooped Zelenka up into his arms and staggered to his feet. Radek didn't even make a sound as he was carried out of the room.

John looked at McKay. The Canadian stood in the exact same position as he had before, still looking shocked and confused. His eyes were glued to the door Ronon had just disappeared through and for several moments he didn't move. Then he seemed to realize that everyone was looking at him and he pulled his eyes away from the door and let them drift across the room until they finally came to a rest at John. "I didn't..."

There's also a lovely little sequel, Underneath, about the fallout from the first story.

character: radek zelenka, sga, gen

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