"Sick Day" by Kate98 (PG)

Aug 25, 2005 21:22

Rec Category: Daniel/Vala
Pairing: Daniel/Vala-ish
Category: SG-1, Vignette
Warning: None
Author on LJ: kate98
Author's Website: Unknown


Why This Must Be Read: Another ficlet, which seems to be mostly the kind of Daniel/Vala fic that we have for the moment. It's short, but on-target, in-character, and a not at all over the top way of looking at Daniel's post-Beachhead dealing with Vala's departure. Plus, extra points for completely nailing Dr. Lam's "agree with me or I'll punch you in the face" type bedside manner in just a few lines. Hee!

het, sg-1, pairing: daniel/vala

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