Unrealized Reality, by antonomasia (PG)

Jul 15, 2015 20:53

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Teal'c
Characters: Teal'c, Bra'tac, team
Categories: gen, drama, time travel, episode related, crossover, AU, Teal'c/Drey'auc
Warnings: technical crossover with Farscape
Author on LJ: antonomasia09
Author's Website: antonomasia at AO3
Link: Unrealized Reality

Why This Must Be Read: The events of 48 Hours may have been instantaneous to Teal'c, but who knows what happens in a wormhole? In this fascinating crossover with Farscape, Teal'c spends those two days struggling to find the path to his own reality... and exploring some fascinating AUs at the same time. The whole thing is excellent reading, but the last two paragraphs are my favorite!

Reccer's note: Speaking as someone who only knows that Cam and Vala's actors had roles on Farscape, you can be safely assured that you can read this without any familiary with the fandom.

“What was that?” he gasps, shaken.

Einstein straightens. “The wormhole network connects all places and times. Even ones that do not come to pass.”

“You speak of alternate universes?” With effort, Teal’c stands.

Einstein nods. “There are infinite paths your life can take. Infinite realities. I am surprised you know of this.”

“I have encountered alternate realities before,” Teal’c tells him. He doesn’t like them. “I consider none but my own to be of consequence.”

Einstein shakes his head. “The universe is not stable. It is constantly in flux; the course it takes is informed by the decisions of every living being within it, by forces beyond even their control.”

“I do not understand.”

“Time is fluid. It can be shaped. Altered.” Einstein sketches a motion in the air, and Teal’c can almost see the threads of time bending around the alien’s hands. “If you travel to a destination and are not retrieved, that reality will become yours from then on.”

“So there is a chance that, through my actions, my reality may cease to exist.”

“Yes,” Einstein confirms, no hint of concern in his voice.

team, character: bra'tac, het, character: teal'c, episode related, gen, drama, alternate universe/timeline, sg-1, pairing: drey'auc/teal'c, character: drey'auc

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