Finally in the Right Place with the Right Man by Denyce (PG)

May 06, 2015 20:17

Show: Stargate Atlantis

Rec Category: Slash
Characters: Evan Lorne, David Parrish
Pairings: Evan Lorne/David Parrish
Categories: Slash
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: denyce
Author's Website: Bibbles
Link: Finally in the Right Place with the Right Man

Why This Must Be Read: There is so much packed into this short fic that I just can't over. First of all, the sensualness shared between Evan and David, even in just a PG fic, is intense. And the emotions that poor Evan goes through are just heartbreaking - until he makes his decision and goes for it. If you want to read a sensual, beautiful first time fic, this story is for you!

It was nearly six in the morning when his alarm went off. Only Evan wasn’t there in his room and wouldn’t be there, to turn it off. Instead he was still here in David’s room, in David’s bed with David’s long arms and legs wrapped around him to anchor Evan in place.

pairing: david/evan, slash, sga

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