The Tangler and the Hunter by Elayna (NC17)

Mar 18, 2015 20:11

Show: SGA/SG1

Rec Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: Aiden Ford, Cameron Mitchell, Carson Beckett, Daniel Jackson, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Major Lorne, Other, Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Samantha Carter, Teyla Emmagan, Vala Mal Doran
Pairings: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Categories: Alternate Universe, First TIme, Action & Adventure
Warnings: Adult Themes
Author on LJ: elayna88
Author's Websites: Elayna's ramblings & Master Elayna's Den
Author's Website: Elayna on AO3
Link: The Tangler and the Hunter on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: The summary says: Rodney's a disgraced para-archaeologist-physicist; John's a famous movie star with secrets; they live on a planet called Harmony. Author notes says This fic is based on a series of books by Jayne Castle (aka Amanda Quick, aka Jayne Krentz) set on a planet called "Harmony," where settlers from Earth, separated from home, have adapted to their new environment, and developed a variety of psi-abilities.
Disgraced para-archaeologist-physicist Rodney McKay is working on Cowan's Curiosities after his first expedition as lead ephemeral energy para-resonator, went bad and one of his assistants was badly and mentally hurt. One evening he is in his favourite restaurant having dinner when movie star John Sheppard who is being persued by some women suddenly falls into the seat opporsite and asked him to hide him from the hoards chasing him. John's movie company plan to film in the catacombs where Rodney's ill-fated expedition took place and Rodney is asked to help.

A man rushing by suddenly dropped in the chair opposite Rodney's. "I'm with you," he hissed, pulling Rodney's abandoned plate in front of him. "Perfect," he added, grabbing Rodney's brown jacket from where it was draped over an empty chair, putting it on over his black t-shirt, and grabbing Aiden's cap from the table, pulled it over his spiky black hair.

"Excuse me?" Rodney asked, astonished, but at that moment, a horde of women ran down the sidewalk, past the café, and continuing on, most of them screeching loudly, "John! John! John!" Women of all types and sizes: gorgeous, athletic, plain, plump, running in flats or wobbling on heels.

"Please!" the stranger hissed, grabbing Rodney's fork, slouching over the remnants on the plate, pantomiming like he was eating. The last of the women panted past, Rodney staring as they disappeared down the block, before returning his attention to his uninvited guest, who was smiling and seemed more relaxed.

"Who are you and why are you molesting my empty plate?"

"I'm John Sheppard," the stranger said, pausing a bit as if he expected a reaction. "Thank you for the camouflage." He was dressed all in black, and like Cadman, his only amber was on the face of his watch, so he couldn't be a strong talent. Everyone wore amber, using it to focus psychic energy for simple tasks like turning on mechanical devices or cars. The size or amount of amber worn as part of a person's attire tended to indicate the strength of their abilities, with ghost hunters generally bedecked with amber. Though Rodney was extremely powerful, he typically only wore a bracelet of amber stones, each one perfectly tuned for tangling. Academics regarded too much amber as a gaudy and unnecessary display of their abilities.

"Those women were chasing you?"

John blinked in surprise, as if he thought Rodney would know being chased down a street was normal for him. "Yes."


John stared. "I'm John Sheppard," he said again, a bit slower.

character: daniel jackson, character: carson beckett, character: cameron mitchell, character: john sheppard, alternate universe/timeline, character: evan lorne, action/adventure, character: vala mal doran, sg-1/sga, slash, crossover, first time, character: elizabeth weir, character: radek zelenka, character: rodney mckay, pairing: john/rodney, character: aiden ford

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