Friends by Lyn (G)

Jan 31, 2015 07:29

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Gen
Pairing: none
Categories: Friendship, Rodney McKay and Ronon Dex friendship, angst, character study
Author on LJ: alynt
Link: Friends

Why This Must Be Read: This is a wonderful little tag to the episode Kindred part 2, with Rodney finding Ronon standing in front of the capsule where they've placed Carson Beckett's cloned body to try to save him. There's a lovely feeling of bonding that builds up over the course of the story between these two very different men who realize they do have at least one thing in common - their friendship with Beckett. There are some nice little touches of humor and the voices are pretty spot on.

episode related, character: ronon dex, gen, angst, friendship: rodney and ronon, friendship, sga, character study, character: rodney mckay

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