Five Ways Janet Fraiser and Elizabeth Weir Worked Together by vicki (PG13)

Dec 11, 2014 17:12

Show: SG1 & SGA

Rec Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: Elizabeth Weir, Janet Fraiser
Pairings: None
Categories: Gen, Alternate Universe, crossover
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: None
Author's Website: Vicki on AO3
Link: Five Ways Janet Fraiser and Elizabeth Weir Worked Together by vicki on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: Five little AU fics by vicki where Janet from SG1 meets Elizabeth from SGA. I chose this for sg_fignewton

Elizabeth knew that she needed to sleep and eat more. But knowing that didn't stop her from fainting in the middle of a meeting.She awoke to a cluster of concerned faces, but one set of unfamiliar brown eyes stood out from the others."Okay, everyone back up and give her some room," said a firm voice.The sea of faces parted and Elizabeth was able to focus on the one remaining."What?" she began, her voice weak."Careful now," the woman leaning over her said soothingly. "You fainted, quite possibly from low blood sugar, if I'm to believe what I'm told about your eating habits.""Who?" tried Elizabeth again."I'm Dr. Janet Fraiser. You know, this wasn't quite how I intended to meet you, Madam President."

five things, character: janet frasier, character: elizabeth weir, crossover, alternate universe/timeline, sg-1/sga, gen

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