(Loosely Inspired By) The Parent Trap (NC17)

Nov 24, 2014 19:15

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: Rodney McKay John Sheppard Richard Woolsey Elizabeth Weir Original Female Character(s)
Pairings: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Categories:Slash, Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: Adult Themes
Author on LJ: elayna88
Author's Website: Master Elayna's Den
Author's Website: Elayna on AO3
Link: (Loosely Inspired By) The Parent Trap on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: The Summary Says :Two men take on a responsibility they had never anticipated and don't handle it well. Notes: I've seen both versions of The Parent Trap once, and neither of them recently. So this is very much my running with the general idea, rather than being faithful to either movie. And I've always thought splitting up twins was a horrible thing to do, so I ended up addressing/justifying that decision more than I remember the movies bothering.

I seem to be going through a movie thing at the moment when it comes to fanfics not that I mind I love to read an authors take on a movie with an SGA/SG1/SGu twist.
I can remember both versions of the movie this story is based on, the original with Hayley Mills, Maureen O'Hara and Brian Keith and the remake with Lindsey Lohan, Natasha Richardson and Dennis Quaid and all I can say is I love Elayna's version the best.

Five months after their first meeting, approximately four months and three weeks after their affair started, they stumbled out of a supply closet, glancing around furtively, even as Rodney was still zipping up his pants. A "Boo!" had them both jumping and turning to face the noise. Mary Jane peered around the corner, before waddling toward them.
"Mary Jane," Rodney hissed. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"You two need to take fewer risks," she retorted.

John grinned goofily. Orgasms always made him happy. "Some things are worth it."

Rodney grinned back at him. "Besides, it's Friday night. Everyone's gone. You're supposed to be gone," he added to MJ, not rudely, but with a certain amount of concern, since she was starting her maternity leave that day.

"Just packing up the last of my things. I thought I'd say goodbye to my favorite boys."

John reached out, tugging a strand of her red hair. "You need help carrying anything out to your car?"

She nodded wearily, her hands going to the small of her back. "Would you mind? It's only two boxes."


"I'll do it," Rodney insisted to John. "You should go to the bar."

"It won't take long," John said stubbornly, even though he knew he should head out to join the rest of the pilots at the local bar. They'd be holding a stool for him, wondering why he was so late. Rodney had the advantage that the scientists didn't socialize well even at work, and avoided each other like the plague afterwards. No one would wonder about how he spent his time.

"You two." MJ rolled her eyes. "Come on, you can argue as we walk." Suiting word to deed, she turned around and headed for her office, walking a few steps before emitting a sudden cry and buckling forward, grabbing at the wall. John and Rodney rushed forward, each taking hold of an elbow, helping her to stay on her feet.

"MJ? Are you okay?"

"I think I waited too long," she said, standing straight, using their strength to help her. "I'm afraid I'm going into labour."

slash, alternate universe/timeline, sga, romance, pairing: john/rodney

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