Oo-De-Lally by skoosiepants (PG)

Oct 13, 2014 19:17

Show: SGA
Rec Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Laura Cadman, Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, Aiden Ford, Evan Lorne, Chuck & Jeannie
Pairings: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Categories: Alternate Universe, Humour, Romance,
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: skoosiepants
Author's Website: Pants To Match Link: Oo-De-Lally
Author's Website: skoosiepants on AO3 Link: Oo-De-Lally on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: The Summary Says: They lived in the forest in tents and stole to stay fed and to feed whoever begged them for help, and when they weren’t stealing they just kind of lolled about and shot arrows at trees. Robin Hood AU, for reel_sga.

Now I could not resist reading this story. Coming from Nottingham myself I am a staunch fan of Robin Hood so taking SGA and putting a Robin Hood spin on it well I just had to read it.
Rodney is having trouble with his ass, oh, sorry, mule and is captured by Robin Hood... I mean John Shepard.

“Having trouble?”

Rodney’s head snapped up, and he glared across the clearing. “No.”

The man had been standing there for the better part of a quarter hour - well, lounging was the more appropriate term, arms crossed over his chest, hip and shoulder cocked against a tree - watching Rodney with palpable amusement as he struggled with Sally. Rodney wasn’t about to ask him for help, but Sally was stubborn as a mule, and refused to halt her impromptu late-morning meal of sweet grass no matter how much he cajoled or threatened. Rodney finally just slid to the ground, legs folding in front of him with a frustrated oath, back propped up by a shady maple. He really, really hated horses.

Within moments, the stranger crossed the small field and paused above him, long legs parted, one hand on a hip, fingers curled dangerously close to the hilt of a dagger strapped to his side. His hazel eyes were sharp, a hint of hardness beneath the blatant mirth, and Rodney blinked, breath hitching, because he knew exactly who he was.

Rodney wasn’t stupid - quite the extreme opposite, in fact - and although gossip was hardly ever correct, and rarely unexaggerated, John Sheppard had disappeared months ago from the royal court, vowing revenge on the prince, and the rumors that he’d taken up the role of highwayman in the King’s Forest apparently had some basis in truth. Rodney hadn’t known him personally, of course, but the sketch on the reward notices bore a striking resemblance to the man looming above him.

“I don’t actually have anything of worth on me,” Rodney pointed out, trying not to fidget.

One half of Sheppard’s mouth quirked up. “Good to know,” he drawled.

“Except for Sally, of course, but she’s honestly a shrew and deep-down hates all mankind, and if you took her, I’m not so sure I’d be able to find my way out of this forest alive, and you wouldn’t want my death hanging over your head, right?” Rodney gazed up at him, a nervous smile flicking across his lips.

The other half of Sheppard’s mouth curled, sharp grin belying his lazy stance, and Rodney knew he was in a whole lot of trouble.

humor, slash, alternate universe/timeline, sga, pairing: john/rodney

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