„Fake Birds and Real Holidays“ by Xparrot (General Audiences)

Sep 30, 2014 22:34

Show: SGA
Rec Category: Team
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Jeannie Miller, Kaleb Miller, Madison Miller
Pairings: none
Categories: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: xparrot
Author's Website: „X Never Marks The Spot“
Link “Fake Birds and Real Holidays“ by Xparrot

Summary by the author:
The team descends on the Miller household. (No turkeys were harmed in the making of this story. Much to Rodney and Ronon's disappointment.)

Why This Must Be Read:
Apparently my motto for recs this month is „rituals/ceremonies“ though this time it's one of Earth's customs - Thanksgiving. It's fun to see our team be themselves in the Miller household - plus, I like the sense of family this one contains without being too sweet.

"And you guys can help put together the lasagna," Jeannie said. "We're doing one cream and spinach, and one mushroom and tomato sauce. You know, white meat and red meat," and she winked.
Rodney gaped at her. "Are you even listening to yourself?" He looked around to make sure Kaleb was gone, muttered, "We could just pop out and buy some fresh turkey to go on the side, for those who want to try it-just a slice of breast, with gravy, we can't get unprocessed poultry on Atlantis-"
"Meredith!" Jeannie whacked him on the knuckles with her wooden sauce spoon.
Madison had made a turkey in kindergarten, pasting construction paper feathers over a brown paint handprint. It was hung on the refrigerator with dinosaur magnets. "Take a good look," Rodney told Ronon mournfully. "This may be the closest you'll get to an actual turkey."

team, character: ronon dex, gen, character: teyla emmagan, character: john sheppard, sga, character: rodney mckay, character: jeannie miller

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