Reinventing the Wheel by Eleveninches (NC17)

Sep 29, 2014 18:49

Show: SGA
Rec Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: John Sheppard Rodney McKay Teyla Emmagan Ronon Dex
Pairings: McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Keller, Sheppard/Katie Brown, Teyla/Ronon, Teyla/Kanaan, Ronon/Keller, Sheppard/Carter, and Sheppard/Beckett.
Categories: Het Slash Alternate Reality Alternate Timeline Gender Changes Time Travel Action Adventure
Warnings: Adult Themes
Author on LJ: Eleveninches
Link: Reinventing the Wheel by Eleveninches on LJ
Author's Website: that boy ain't right: fanfiction by eleveninches
Link: Reinventing the Wheel by Eleveninches
Author's Website: Eleveninches on AO3
Link: Reinventing the Wheel by Eleveninches on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: The Summary says:
A strange coincidence leads to Sheppard and McKay accidentally wiping out the Wraith. Now, to return home, they must battle aliens, Ancients, dopplegangers, their own feelings, and the most unnerving thing of all, whales.

This one I thought was a lot of fun. John and Rodney manage to travel in time to wipe out the Wraith but each time they return home it is an alternate universe/timeline and not really their home. Now they must get home without causing further trouble and get the timeline back where it should be.

The day John and Rodney destroyed the universe began like any other. John woke up at dawn, brushed his teeth, and met Ronon for their daily five-mile jog through the city. He rode the transporter back to his floor with Doctors Coleman and Wu, who were busy giggling over something. He wasn't paying much attention to either of them until he heard Wu say, "I never thought McKay would actually do it."

For Rodney, however, the day began very differently. He was having a nightmare in which he was reliving the holiday to Disneyland his family had taken when he was ten, when a horrible, stabbing pain in his upper back caused him to jerk awake. His face was smashed against a pillow and there was someone -- or something -- in the bed next to him. Also, he was completely naked.

pairing: john/sam, het, pairing: carson/john, pairing: jennifer/ronon, pairing: ronon/teyla, genderbender, slash, pairing: john/other, alternate universe/timeline, pairing: jennifer/rodney, sga, pairing: john/rodney, pairing: kanaan/teyla

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