Just Like Schrödinger's Cat

Aug 31, 2014 23:40

Show: SGA
Rec Category: McKay/Sheppard
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Miko Kusunagi, Carol Simpson, various OCs
Pairings: McKay/Sheppard
Categories: slash
Warnings: male humans have sex
Author on LJ: lamardeuse
Author's Website: http://puddle-wonderful.ca/
Link: Just Like Schrödinger's Cat

John and Rodney figure it out. Everybody else - seriously, everybody - figures it out first.

Published in Surfacing.


The thin thread of Rodney’s patience finally snapped. “Yes, while we’re at it, why don’t we just get you a dart and a Wraith costume and have you fly in and beam a canister of the enzyme directly into their ventilation system?”

Sheppard’s eyes lit up. “Can we do that?”

Rodney stared at him. “You are a crazy person.”

Sheppard affected a wounded air. “I’ve heard that madness is one step away from genius.”

“You heard wrong,” Rodney snapped. “Madness is one step away from my great-aunt Tilly, who frequently tried to wallpaper her cat.”

At that, Rodney heard a giggle from behind him; he turned and saw Rodriguez wearing a saccharine smile. “What?” he demanded.

Rodriguez blushed and shook her head. “Sorry. You just-you reminded me of my parents.”

Rodney glared at her. Simpson patted Rodriguez on the arm. “You must have had a horrible childhood,” she said sympathetically. Rodney transferred his glare to her.

“Oh, no, they’re very happy,” Rodriguez said hastily. “They’ve been married for thirty-eight years.” She blinked, seeming to finally realize what she was saying. “Uh. That is, I…”

slash, sga, pairing: john/rodney

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