„Fellow Traveler“ by LtLJ aka Victoria Custer aka Martha Wilson (General Audiences PG13 )

Aug 31, 2014 20:44

Show: SGA
Rec Category: Team
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Aiden Ford, various OCs
Pairings: none
Categories: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: not on LJ anymore
Author's Website: „Water Gate“
Link Fellow Traveler by LtLJ

Summary by the author:
The team meets an alien who may or may not be helpful. There are misunderstandings, and Wraith.

Why This Must Be Read:
Because there's not only misunderstandings and Wraith but also action, adventure, humor, banter, a plot, unexpected twists, a fabulous, very alien OC and very, very good writing. It's the kind of story you can't stop reading until you're done.

team, sga, gen

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