Holding My Breath by Marzipan77 (T)

Aug 14, 2014 20:59

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Daniel Jackson
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Jacob Carter/Selmak, Jack O'Neill, Team, Yu
Categories: Gen
Warnings: angst, abuse, brief non-con/dub-con, slavery
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author's Website: Marzipan77 on Fanfiction.net
Link: Holding My Breath

Why This Must Be Read: This story is an expansion of the season 5 episodes "The Summit" and "The Last Stand", where Daniel goes undercover as Yu's Lo'taur. Marzipan77 brilliantly weaves the story within the existing episode, creating what feels like the episode itself could've been if not for television time restrictions. Marzipan77 shows the politics at the Goa'uld's courts in a way that the episode only hinted at along with a longer, deeper look at the cruelty of the System Lords on a more personal level. But most importantly, the story highlights Daniel's emotions throughout his entire ordeal and explains some of his actions, revelations and decisions. This is a really well-written story (there's a sequel too) and I can't believe it hasn't been recced here yet.

Author's summary: Season 5 Daniel begins to disappear from team interactions leading to feelings of failure. During "Summit" and "Last Stand," why did SG-1 stand by quietly while he went off alone on such a dangerous mission? Why didn't they care? Why didn't he?

character: daniel jackson, team, character: jack o'neill, non-consensual, character: teal'c, episode related, character: jacob carter, character: samantha carter, gen, drama, angst, sg-1, character: selmak

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