In the Tunnels by Drewandian (PG-13)

Mar 30, 2014 22:48

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Sam/Martouf/Lantash
Characters: Sam, Martouf/Lantash
Categories: Het, Drama
Author on LJ: drewandian
Author's Website: Fics by drewandian
Link: In the Tunnels

Why This Must Be Read: I found my link to one of drewandian's wonderful Sam/Martouf/Lantash fic, and soon found myself rereading them all! I always loved this little ficlet, showing the very early days of Sam and Martouf/Lantash preship. Very cute!

drama, het, pairing: lantash-martouf/sam, romance, character: samantha carter, character: lantash-martouf, tok'ra

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