Show: SGA
Rec Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Evan Lorne, David Parrish, Katie Brown, Sam Carter, Radek Zelenka
Pairings: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan
Categories: Alternate Universe, Slash, Adult Themes, First Time, Romance, Dystopia
Warnings: Slash, Adult Themes, Dystopia
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Dreaming of Blue Skies Why This Must Be Read: The Summary says: John Sheppard was a rarity, a soldier modified not for speed and strength, but for a very specific skill set. The ability to enter dreams. But John wasn’t the obedient soldier the Nacon Armed Forces was hoping for and when he runs, he uses all of his experience to escape their searching eyes. Once settled into his life as a thief, John thinks very little of his newest mark, the billionaire inventor Rodney McKay, at least until he enters McKay’s dreams for the first time and discovers a world that he’d believed only existed in fairytales. For McShep Match 2012, Team Time, with the prompt: “honor among thieves”
The Earth has fallen into dystopia, in a society where people live underground and in biospheres. As a new member of the Thieves Guild, John Sheppard has been given the mission to discover what the current project billionaire industrialist and scientist Rodney McKay is working on. John has a special ability, he can enter dreams. And what dreams they are.
Dr. McKay was on the younger end of being middle-aged, probably only a bit older than John’s thirty-five, with a crooked scowl and brilliantly blue eyes. He wore a grey suit in the photograph that highlighted the broadness of his shoulders, but it was the way his hands were frozen in mid-motion that had John transfixed. He looked passionate, a bit angry, and definitely intriguing.
John had been given more attractive marks. Hell, a random person on the street was sexier than Dr. McKay. It was plain to see the man had never invested in cosmetic alterations, if not just for the way he was obviously balding.
“Dr. McKay has been a civilian contractor for several major corporations,” the voice was continuing. The picture moved to the left and in its place was a list of companies McKay had apparently worked for in the past. “By all accounts, he is arrogant and difficult to work with, but brilliant enough that he remains in high demand.”
The screen flashed again to show a large building that John recognized as one of the nicer apartment complexes in the city. “He lives in the penthouse of the Pegasus Complex and owns a cat, though records on his pet are scare.”
John frowned. That was strange. Pets were the luxury of the rich and as such all were tagged at birth and records of their pedigree were extensive. Perhaps McKay’s cat was a black market trade.
“The information you are to secure is on Dr. McKay’s newest project. It appears to be his own research and is not run though a third-party company or corporation. He has sent out feelers to several smaller businesses for support, but said businesses have little record of the transactions.”
John settled back on his heels, but no new pictures flashed on the screen. “What is the project?” he asked.
“Unknown,” the voice said. “Information already gathered suggests he is developing a device involving agriculture, but any more specific information has been difficult to find.”
“Which is why you want me,” John said. “I’ll take it.”