Choosing Sides, by Sid (G)

Feb 23, 2014 10:05

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Teal'c and Daniel friendship
Characters: Teal'c, Daniel Jackson
Categories: gen, humor
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: sidlj
Author's Website: fic tag
Link: Choosing Sides

Why This Must Be Read: This adorable little ficlet was written for my prompt and had me grinning like an idiot. Teal'c and Daniel have fun (of the post-Bane variety) while Sam and Jack are stuck being military. Absolutely, positively guaranteed to leave you smiling! Too short to excerpt, so just go and read. :)

character: daniel jackson, friendship: daniel and teal'c, humor, sg-1, friendship, character: teal'c, gen

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