If You Cut Me I Could Shine, by Miss Parker (PG)

Oct 06, 2013 13:06

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Walter the Chevron Guy
Characters: Walter Harriman, Samantha Carter, Teal'c, Daniel Jackson
Categories: gen, team, friendship
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: missparker
Author's Website: missparker at AO3
Link: If You Cut Me I Could Shine

Why This Must Be Read: Walter's friendship with Sam takes center stage in this delightful story, but there are so many delicious undercurrents in this: SGC loyalty to one another (go General Hammond!), wonderful team dynamics, and solid friendships. I love Walter's perspective on Sam, on the team, and the way the SGC works. A real treasure that makes you appreciate that Walter is so much more than just the Chevron Guy!

When Walter joined the SGC, Captain Carter came a week later. Walter had never met Captain Carter, but he felt like he knew her through her work. After all, he’d been hip deep in the dialing program since his first hour on the job and when she finally sat down with him, she gave him a quick smile and said, “Sergeant Harriman, we’re going to need to be friends.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said.

“No, not ma’am,” she says. “Sam.”

“Sam,” he said.

“Good,” she’d said. “Because we’re going to spend a lot of time together and I need to know that someone knows what they’re doing when I’m not here.”

He does call her ma’am, from time to time, when the situation calls for it or when there are high ranking officers are present but in her mind he thinks of her as Sam any time she smiles.

He sees how close Sam has grown to the other members of SG-1 over the years, but he always remembers that he and Sam were each other’s first friends at the program.

team, sg-1, friendship, character: walter harriman, character: samantha carter, gen

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