Shut The Doors Behind Us - by Busaikko (NC-17)

Sep 02, 2013 22:00

Show: SGA
Rec Category: Slash
Characters: John Sheppard, David Parrish
Pairings: Sheppard/Parrish
Categories: Sex Pollen, Rare Pairing,
Warnings: Dub-con
Author on LJ: busaikko
Author's Website: Page on AO3
Link: Shut The Doors Behind Us

Why This Must Be Read: Shock horror, I didn't really remember who David Parrish was *ducks*.  So when busaikko posted this on AO3 back in March, I thought "It's John, and NC-17, I'll give it a go."
Well! HOT is the first thing that comes to mind.  Followed quickly by vulnerability, awwwww, and a touch of humour.  I found myself encouraging "come on! Go to him" and "just say yes!" I love it when a story pulls me into itself, surrounds and captivates me.  This one did that.  It didn't leave me wanting more, simply because it was so well told you sigh with it's rightness.  Perfect characterization as well as hot sex.


He should definitely have gone with the email, Parrish thought. He didn't know if Sheppard was out, or if he was sleeping, or in the shower - and what was he going to say, if Sheppard wasn't alone? He made a mental note to never do spontaneous things after meetings; his judgment was obviously clouded. He knocked again.

This time he heard a thump, and a mutter, and then a bang, and the doors slid open.

"I'm sorry," Parrish said, when Sheppard stared at him blearily, like he'd just woken up. Sheppard was dressed in what looked like pajamas - sweatpants and a faded panda bear t-shirt - and had bed-hair. His face was shaded with stubble, and behind him the room was dark. "I didn't think. I'm sorry I got you up."

"It's fine," Sheppard said, and crossed his arms. "What's on your mind, Dr. Parrish?" He sounded friendly and concerned, and not like he was remembering that back on P71-194 he'd begged to be fucked.

"Remember what we talked about on the beach?" Parrish said, and watched Sheppard. He didn't react much, but his eyes sharpened and he straightened a little, as if he was pulling himself inwards, bracing for something.

"We talked about a lot of stuff," Sheppard said carefully. He still didn't move to let Parrish inside.

pairing: john/other, slash, character: john sheppard, character: parrish, sga

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