Path of Good Intentions, by Aurora Novarum (PG-13)

Aug 26, 2013 12:00

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Teal'c
Characters: Teal'c, Bra'tac, Apophis, Baal, Qetesh, Vala Mal Doran
Categories: gen, drama, AU, episode related
Warnings: minor AU character deaths
Author on LJ: aurora_novarum
Author's Website: List of My Stories / Aurora at AO3
Link: Path of Good Intentions

Why This Must Be Read: I believe this fic is actually unique: an exploration of Teal'c's life in the alternate timeline of Continuum, when Baal is playing with foreknowledge and already has his eye on the young Jaffa he wants to claim as his own First Prime.

This is a great sketch of Teal'c's experiences of Baal's cold manipulations, the way the timeline keeps twisting away from reality, and the underlying Goa'uld hubris that is actually creating the potential for Baal's eventual defeat. Add great cameos by Brat'ac and Vala (complete with a perfectly sensible handwaving of that "fifty years" quote) and a perfectly in-character Teal'c, and your only regret will be that Aurora didn't make this fic any longer!

As the Jaffa filed out, Bra'tac called Teal'c back.

"Lord Ba'al seemed unusually interested in you, Teal'c."

Teal'c shook his head in wonder. "I know not why, Master. I have seen him once, as a child at the Choosing, but never spoken to him. Would not the gods be aware of all of us?"

Bra'tac scoffed. "The gods care not for the small fortunes of Jaffa, especially not those who do not wear their mark." He frowned. "But Ba'al is not like other Goa'uld."

"My mother said he was clever, but not powerful." Since stationed in the top squad, Bra'tac had encouraged Teal'c to be frank when they were in private.

"Your mother was right," Bra'tac nodded. "But cleverness is a power in itself. I have heard rumors in recent years of how Ba'al has taken key advantage at pivotal moments in battle, aware of tactics before they've been enacted. It is likely why our master Apophis has agreed to this alliance. Ba'al is a serpent. Not like the primtas we host in incubation, but a viper who waits for the right moment to strike, and then kills before you realize the poison has entered you. Be careful in dealing with this Goa'uld, Teal'c."

"Shall I not follow his command?"

Bra'tac was stern. "You shall follow his orders as Apophis has told us. have a good head on your shoulders, Teal'c. Use it."

"Of course, Master Bra'tac."

character death, character: bra'tac, character: vala mal doran, character: teal'c, gen, drama, sg-1, alternate universe/timeline

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