Pournelle's Iron Law, by Julie (G)

Aug 12, 2013 10:57

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Bra'tac
Characters: Bra'tac, original character
Categories: gen,
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: splash_the_cat
Author's Website: Infanity
Link: B is for Bureaucracy (Pournelle's Iron Law)

Why This Must Be Read: I have a soft spot for stories which highlight the Free Jaffa and their unerring ability to do everything the hard way. Freedom is never easy - including the inevitable bureaucracy that it spawns!

Read this for the wry humor, for Bra'tac's wisdom and sheer common sense, and for the automatic empathy you will feel for poor Ja'tal for being where we've all been before. :)

Bra'tac gripped his shoulder. "Welcome to the revolution, my boy."

character: bra'tac, sg-1, gen

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