Show: SGA
Rec Category: Team
Characters: Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Richard Woolsey, Radek Zelenka, OC Duncan McKay
Pairings: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Categories: slash
Warnings: eh, faux kidfic?
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Joe Flanigan Fan - Strictly unofficial but no less obsessive Link:
Full Circle by Tex Why This Must Be Read:
This is the fifth installment of the „Two Men and a Baby“-series written by Tex and Lamardeuse though it can be read as a standalone. It happens sixteen years after the events of the first story, shortly before Rodney's and John's son Duncan leaves for college.
All you need to know is that Duncan is, as Rodney puts it in an earlier installment,
“hatched by crazy people in an Ancient Easy-Bake Incubator using my stolen DNA“
and that John loved him and „adopted“ him as his son as well right from the get go, even before Rodney came to terms with the situation.
Now, why do I rec this story? I'm sitting here, shedding a few tears 'cause I feel so touched by it.
While the story itself is mostly about an incident involving Duncan, his Pa (John) and his Dad (Rodney), the rest of the team plays an important role in giving the story its sense of „team“ - in fact I feel that it goes beyond „team“ and extends straight into the realm of „family and close knit society“ including Teyla, Ronon, their kids, Radek and even Woolsey. The whole of Atlantis feels like a "team" here.
Dunc and the other kids (only mentioned, the story isn't about them) Kal and Torren and Zee are the offsprings of our team - the first generation of "true" Atlanteans - and Tex created such a happy, uplifting outlook for Atlantis' future without shoving our team as we know it into the past - I just love it. This story isn't about a happy end, it's about a happy beginning while the present still happens. When our team bids farewell to Duncan it doesn't feel like finishing something but like the start of something and I've got the distinct, happy feeling that Atlantis will thrive in the future and our team is still in the thick of it.