Show: SG-1
Rec Category: Cassandra Frasier
Characters: Cassamdra Frasier
Categories: gen, five things
Warnings: none
Author on LJ:
mrspollifaxAuthor's Website:
mrspollifax at AO3Link:
Wherever She Prospers Why This Must Be Read: I love this overarching sketch of Cassie's life on Earth, from her first unhappy encounter with immunizations to her teenage years to marriage and children. This is five times Cassie wishes she was a "child of Earth," and the underlying thread of melancholy only serves to underscore her inner strength of character and the peace she makes with life's challenges.
Cassie sank down into her chair, dropping the phone to the table and burying her face in her hands. She tried not to play the afternoon over in her head, but she couldn't stop herself.
Girls her age were supposed to turn down proposals of marriage because they weren't ready to be married; because they had their future careers to consider, because they wanted to travel, because they wanted to belong to themselves first.
Deep inside, Cassie knew she felt those things, too, but they weren't what had brought her mind to a screaming halt when he'd asked the question. How could she marry someone without first telling him who she really was? And how could she take the chance of telling anyone she'd known just a few months or even years?