Show: SGA
Rec Category: Ronon Dex
Characters: Ronon Dex, team and Kate Heightmeyer (background).
Pairings: None
Categories: Gen
Warnings: None
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ravensilverwing on AO3Link:
Letters From Ronon Why This Must Be Read: Kate Heightmeyer is in some of my favorite episodes of SGA. I didn't really pay that much attention to her on screen. She's one of those minor characters that come to life in many of the brilliant stories in this fandom. In this one she's never "seen", but she's given Ronon a task I absolutely love; write a diary. This story gives me new insight into Ronon and has him put into words (or not) some of the issues he is struggling with. As a teacher, I love the focus on language. It's not very long, but manages to say so much in few words. It's also a great look at the team.
Snippet of fic:
Day Two.
Apparently two paragraphs and writing about military are a good effort. But not enough. And I can use whatever damn words I want.
I have no idea what to write.