U is for Unspoken, by Thothmes (PG)

Dec 17, 2012 21:15

Show: Stargate SG-1

Rec Category: Bra'tac
Characters: Bra'tac, Teal'c, Apophis
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: thothmes
Author's Website: unknown
Link: U is for Unspoken

Why This Must Be Read: This is a fabulous sketch of Bra'tac, arcing across the decades and played against a strong theme of silence: his first stirrings of doubt as a chal'ti, his lonely search for fellow rebels, his initial observations of Teal'c and then of the Tau'ri. Thothmes finishes with a lovely scene of Teal'c and Bra'tac together, content in silent contemplation of their ultimate victory in achieving freedom.

(Literally) quietly triumphant, and a read to savor.

Pointing to Bra’tac, the god addressed the warrior to Bra’tac’s immediate right, a massive blond fellow who towered over Bra’tac by at least half a head, saying “That one” - here he pointed to Bra’tac - “has marked skin, and for a Jaffa he is slight. Kill him.”

“But Milord,” the fellow blurted out, “That is Bra’tac the fastest and most skilled at-“

Apophis was displeased, and before Bra’tac got a chance to wonder if surviving the pox before he was old enough for a symbiote was going to be the death of him, before his unfortunate neighbor could finish his sentence, Apophis had unleashed the power of his hand device, and the fellow was dead. Apophis stalked off, having proven conclusively that he was a capricious god, and Bra’tac lived, having learned that it was best that some things, indeed all unnecessary things, go unspoken.

character: bra'tac, character: teal'c, character study, gen

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