New World, by Penknife (G)

Oct 25, 2012 12:45

Show: Stargate SG-1

Rec Category: Sam and Janet friendship
Characters: Samantha Carter, Janet Frasier, Cassandra
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: penknife
Author's Website: Penknife at AO3
Link: New World

Why This Must Be Read: This is a gentle, endearing missing scene from Singularity, as Sam and Janet carefully talk Cassie through her invented backstory as a relative newcomer from "Toronto." Friendship, caring, a generous dash of humor -- it's all here, and well worth reading.

"You lived on a farm."

Cassie looked a little pleased at that. "And had goats?"

"I don't see any problem with goats," Sam said. They might not have been exactly the same species as Earth goats, but there wasn't anything suspicious about them. "We're going for sort of a ..." She wasn't sure how to put hippie granola background in a way that wouldn't make it sound disapproving.

Janet nodded as if following her thought. "Organic farm, no television or violent toys allowed."

"I like television, though," Cassie said. She'd been watching a lot of it lately, which Janet said she would probably limit eventually, but right now was allowing on the grounds that it was a crash course in American culture.

Crash course might be the word for it, Sam thought; she made a mental note to ask Cassie exactly what she'd been watching and what she'd made of it.

"I let you watch TV, because I'm that kind of ..." Sam could hear Janet hesitate, her voice hanging where she might have been tempted to say mom. They weren't there yet, but Sam was getting the picture for the first time since she'd known Janet that it was something Janet really wanted.

"Because you're cool," Cassie said, and Sam grinned.

friendship: janet and sam, character: cassandra frasier, character: janet frasier, friendship, character: samantha carter, gen

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