Show: Stargate SG-1
Rec Category: Walter the Chevron Guy
Characters: Walter Harriman, Jonas Quinn
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ:
pepper_fieldAuthor's Website:
Pepper on AO3 Link:
Insider Info Why This Must Be Read: In Descent, Jonas mentions that he was warned about Teal'c's sense of humor. Who else could have supplied him with such crucial insider information, if not Walter the Chevron Guy?
Try this ficlet for a fun, quick read that will leave you with a smile on your face!
Full disclaimer: I was lucky enough to inspire this. :)
"Everyone here must be alert and ready for anything to happen," he said, portentously. "Anything. At any moment, there could be an event that threatens the safety of our entire world." There was a slight pause, in which they both seemed to be waiting for an apocalypse. There was a distinct lack of apocalypsii. "Any moment," reiterated Walter, firmly. "We just don't know when."