Show: Stargate SG-1
Rec Category: Walter the Chevron Guy
Characters: Walter Harriman
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: reference to canon post-series death
Author on LJ:
a_loquitaAuthor's Website:
Fanfic MasterlistLink:
The One With All the Answers Why This Must Be Read: This is a simply gorgeous character sketch of Walter, presented through the questions he's all-too-often asked and the way he answers them. We get glimpses of his perspective on the generals he's served, the events he's witnessed, the people he's dealt with. From classic era to post-series, from whimsical to moving, this covers all the angles -- and gives a marvelous tagline in the bargain.
“What was it like working for General O’Neill?”
Walter gets a lot of questions about that year. Though he’s certain what they’re really asking is how he could’ve possibly survived it?
The answer is a lot of coffee. That, and not taking things too seriously even when they are serious. Especially when they are serious. Although O’Neill was in charge of the SGC for a short period of time, Walter learned a great deal from working so closely with the general, including some pretty good knock-knock jokes.