Show: SG1
Rec Category: Daniel/Sha're
Characters: Daniel, Sha're, Kasuf
Pairing: Daniel/Sha're
Het/Slash/Gen: het
Warning: none
Author on LJ:
gategrrl Author's Website:
WraithBait Link:
She Walks in Beauty Like the Night Why this must be read:
Another look into that in-between year, Gategrrl gives us an image of love and celebration as the Abydonians celebrate a bountiful harvest and life. The light-hearted dancing, camaraderie, laughter, and love will definitely put a smile on your face, both in the evident joy in life and love between Daniel and Sha're at the end. If only this was their life for eternity....
Story Summary: Daniel and Sha're have a romantic evening after Ra is destroyed.
Kasuf observed his daughter with calm joy. "With this bountiful harvest, my Good Son," he said with a studied nonchalance, "Min will also bless us with many more children in the coming season."
It took a moment for Kasuf's words to sink in. "Er..." said Daniel, unable to come up with a suitable response.
Kasuf slapped him on the back. His laughter disappeared into the beat-driven music, adding a new, off-key melody. "Stay your gaze, Good Son, on your wife who is my daughter, and hope that Min helps you till fertile soil!"