Show: SGA
Rec Category: Sheppard/McKay
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Het/Slash/Gen: first part gen, second part slash
Warning: torture
Author on LJ:
the-moonmoth Author's Website:
Fic listing on LJ Link:
Nemesis and
Fury Why this must be read:
This pair of stories made me wince, cry for Rodney, and just squee in slashy happiness at John's words to Rodney in Fury. Rodney gets captured and tortured in part one; part two contains the necessary comfort quotient to the hurt in part one. For such short pieces, these two stories pack a very powerful punch. One can literally feel John's determination to rescue McKay and keep him safe, no matter the odds. The sheer dedication these two share will invade your heart and mind, taking up residence for the long haul. Go and enjoy the emotion and love!
Story Summary:
Nemesis: It has been two days since your friends deserted you, Dr. McKay,' Atter tutted softly. 'No one is coming for you.'
Fury: 'I would do anything,' John says
Atter raised his hand to shock him again, and then paused to listen. There seemed to be some sort of disturbance in the corridor, muffled voices, then the sound of rapid footfalls. Atter cocked his head, but when nothing further happened he turned back to McKay. The prisoner's eyes were fixed firmly on the door.
'I have already told you, Dr. McKay -- no one is coming for you.'
Slowly, McKay turned back to Atter and met his eyes. 'You're right,' he said, his voice weak and rasping. 'No one's coming for me.' Atter smiled, pleasantly surprised, and as a reward, he lowered his hand.
'I'm glad to hear you say that, Dr. McKay. Perhaps now that you have realised this, we can move on to discuss other matters.'
McKay just looked at Atter, his expression indecipherable through the swelling. 'He's not coming for me,' he said softly. 'He's coming for you.'