Show: Stargate SG-1
Rec Category: Pre-series
Characters: Teal'c, Bra'tac
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ:
thothmesAuthor's Website: unknown
Of Honey Cakes and Honor Why This Must Be Read: There is so much to love about this little ficlet: the glimpse of everyday Jaffa life, young!Teal'c and his honest courage, Bra'tac's shrewd eye and deliberately heavy hand. The last paragraph is icing on the honey cake... or the doughnut. :) Read and enjoy!
Apophis' Jaffa celebrated ten holidays in the course of the year, starting with the Larval Moon (the rising of the full larger moon in the month when the Goa'uld larvae spawned), and ending (at least for the past few thousand years) with Blending Day, celebrating the good fortune of Apophis' current host to have been blessed with a god. On these ten holidays, and only on these ten holidays, there were honey cakes, leavened fried dough, dipped in honey, and rolled in multi-colored grana seeds. They were a little taste of Kheb, and young Jaffa were told that if they were strong and brave and served their god well, then in Kheb they would feast on honey cakes and a mythical - or at least it was assumed to be mythical in Teal'c's childhood - delight called "Choh'klat".
Jaffa children did not have toys as the Tau'ri would recognize them, although they fashioned amusements for themselves out of items at hand, and of course every Jaffa old enough to toddle had an appropriate sized wooden staff weapon which was supposed to be within arms reach at all times, lest an adult find the child with out it and administer swift and highly corporeal justice, so for Teal'c and the other Jaffa children, the honey cakes were anticipated with all the glee and covetousness that most American children reserve for Christmas.