Infirmary After, by Teand (PG-13 by reccer)

Sep 21, 2010 08:18

Show: Stargate SG-1

Rec Category: Sam and Janet friendship
Characters: Samantha Carter, Janet Frasier
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: backstory of violence/rape
Author on LJ: teand
Author's Website: the compound
Link: Infirmary After

Why This Must Be Read: Women in combat are warned of the risks. When the "inevitable" happens to Sam off-world, can Janet help her cope with the aftermath?

This story is bleak, powerful, and aching, written with delicacy in stellar Janet voice. You'll wince for all of them: for Sam, for Janet, for Sam's boys who feel that they've failed her. But most of all, you'll wince for the word inevitable.

"Save the right words for Dr. Mackenzie, Sam. How do you feel?"

Sam's turn to concentrate on breathing. Enough time passed that Janet was wondering if she'd even answer, wondering what she'd do if there was no answer. "Embarrassed," Sam said at last, her voice too low to carry much beyond the bed. "Ashamed. Not so much that it happened - I really did get my head around that years ago, played it over and over and over until I desensitized myself to the possibility - but that they saw. That it happened in front of… of… That they're never going to look at me again without thinking of it."

"Do you think they'll think less of you?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. All I know is that when I look at them… I'll remember that they saw."

friendship: janet and sam, sg-1, non-consensual, gen

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