Women Behind Bars, by Rebecca (PG)

Sep 20, 2010 22:49

Show: Stargate SG-1

Rec Category: Sam and Janet friendship
Characters: Samantha Carter, Janet Frasier
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: rebeccavoy
Author's Website: Fanfix Index
Link: Women Behind Bars

Why This Must Be Read: Sam and Janet, detained off-world, and Janet is infuriated that Sam refuses to break them out and that the rest of the team hasn't shown up for a dramatic rescue...

This fic is short, snappy, and fun, with team snark and gentle teasing thrown in for good measure. Go read and enjoy!

Janet couldn’t be sure -- the occasional interstellar house call aside, she had few off world missions under her belt -- but she was pretty sure that being dragged off and thrown into a cell warranted a little concern. Where was the frantic desperation she had so often seen from SG-1 when one of their number were missing? Where was the reckless abandonment of rule and order that cropped up when the need arose? And, most important, where was the ‘save-the-day-change-the-immutable-laws-of-physics’ tendencies that her now seemingly lethargic cellmate once possessed? She had heard many an SGC officer wax poetics about their resident superhero scientist -- why the heck wasn’t she leaping into action?

Starting to think something seriously wrong (beyond the whole imprisoned on an alien planet deal), Janet took three very small steps and crossed the width of the cell to investigate the water their captors had so ‘kindly’ left them. Now that she thought on it, Sam had refilled her canteen from it with barely more than a glance; perhaps it had been drugged. Finding nothing wrong with it that she could see did nothing to alleviate her concern, and turning back to see that Sam had pulled a deck of cards from one of her many pockets only introduced a great deal of irritation to the mix.

friendship: janet and sam, sg-1, gen

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