Giant Plant-like Thing in the Night, by Ziparumpazoo (G)

Dec 03, 2009 21:01

Introducing: a month of Bill Lee recs!

Rec Category: Bill Lee
Pairing: none
Categories: Bill Lee, gen, humor, episode related
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: ziparumpazoo
Author's Website: master fic list
Link: Giant Plant-like Thing in the Night

Why This Must Be Read: Ziparumpazoo does an amazing job with Bill's mental voice as he tries to fall asleep the night after Zero Hour. Perfect characterization and delightful humor is coupled with just a little wince at the realization that yes, even the "normal" scientists that work on the SGC have to deal with the insanely bizarre on a regular basis!

Short, sweet, and slightly zany: the perfect ficlet for Bill!

Bill blew out a sigh. This was silly. He'd been offworld dozens of times. Ok, not dozens. A few. Twice, actually.

humor, episode related, character: bill lee, gen

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