Balancing the books by Ololon (PG)

Oct 15, 2009 19:03

Rec Category: Genre: Other (Tok'ra)
Pairing: None
Category: Action/adventure, Malek, Bra'tac
Warning: None
Author on LJ: ololon
Link: Balancing the Books

Why This Must Be Read: Remember in "Allegiance"? Malek owes Bra'tac one, and now he gets a chance to repay his debt. In this story Malek and especially his host becomes friends with Bra'tac, and Malek's host learns to trust himself a little more. It is always interesting to see the duality of the host and the symbiote in the Tok'ra, and I like to see the internal conversations - this story does that very well. We get to see a little about how the daily life may be for a Tok'ra operative and there is also some funny moments.

character: bra'tac, action/adventure, tok'ra

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