Goshouisshou by kansasinthewind

Sep 27, 2009 19:32

Rec Category: Ronon Dex
Pairing: Ronon Dex/Miko Kusanagi
Category: het, Miko/Ronon, angst, Ronon Dex, Miko Kusanagi
Warning: None
Author on LJ: kansasinthewind
Link: Goshouisshou

Summary: Two quiet people together; backstory for Ronon w/r/t Melena; reference to art, literature, or music. It's a wonderful look at the world inside Ronon's head, and what it's like to be among people again.

Why This Must Be Read: Another beautiful Miko/Ronon piece that complements the Ronon/Melena elements beautifully. It's lovely, quiet, and just delicious for those craving something cultural to sink their teeth into.

pairing: ronon/other, pairing: miko/other, het, angst, character: ronon dex, character: miko kusanagi

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