Ohashi by losyark

Sep 15, 2009 23:00

Rec Category: Ronon Dex
Pairing: Slightly Ronon/Miko Kusanagi
Category: Ronon Dex, Miko/Ronon, other character, Miko Kusanagi, het, episode related, pre-relationship
Warning: None
Author on LJ: losyark
Link: Ohashi

Summary: Ronon just wants a civilized meal.

Why This Must Be Read: Who's always wanted to know more about Ronon, his Satedan culture? *raises hand* Yeah, me too. This little gem of a fic is set during Ronon's first days in Atlantis and we see his search for a little bit of home that's inspired by a small, innocuous scene from Duet. He finds that piece and some kindness through Miko Kusanagi. Some might argue that this is jossed after such episodes as Sateda, but what do we know about how Satedans ate their meals? We're not exactly getting cultural nuances with our sci-fi. But I digress. We also see some of our more prominent Atlanteans (i.e. Sheppard) through Ronon's eyes, which is always fun. Also, if you have a little bit of a yen for languages this will feed that vice too.

pairing: ronon/other, character: original, pairing: miko/other, het, episode related, character: ronon dex, character: miko kusanagi

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