Adrenaline by Betacandy (PG)

Apr 28, 2009 21:47

Rec Category: Daniel Jackson
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Janet Fraiser, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Teal'c
Category: Action adventure, character study, Daniel Jackson, Daniel/Janet friendship, gen, humor, Jack/Daniel friendship, Janet Fraiser, SG-1, team
Warning: General spoilers through S7; spoiler in the author's notes for Season 7 Episode 18
Author on LJ: betacandy
Author's Website: All the Stories, with Summaries
Link: Adrenaline

Author's summary: After all these years of SG-1 seeing Janet Fraiser in action, she finally gets to see them in action.

Why This Must Be Read:

More than seven years after Rigel's fic, in another, very different off-Earth context, Daniel -- and SG-1, and the gate-team experience -- seen through Janet Fraiser's eyes.

Fraiser is a military officer, and although her time in the field has been limited, she can't help but compare her skills and her reactions under fire with those of SG-1's civilian member. She also has some fundamental preconceptions about Daniel, despite knowing how much time he has logged in a field unit. As Fraiser, her two medics, SG-1 and SG-9 come under attack offworld at the opening of the fic, those preconceptions are quickly dashed -- and as the SG personnel take refuge in a cave and plan their exit strategy, she has time to reflect, and watch, and prompt for information. She's a keen, thoughtful observer who knows the people under her medical charge quite well, and her conversation with Daniel is illuminating; his account of himself and his team is as entertaining and interesting as Fraiser's take on them.

As a bonus, 'Adrenaline' -- though not really technically an AU -- makes a wonderful alternative to 'Heroes.' It also features some lovely brushstroke characterization of Fraiser's medics, enjoyable Jack and Daniel-Jack friendship, and a delightful exchange between Daniel and Carter towards the end.

A fic full of Fraiser goodness, teamy goodness, humor, insight, and Daniel.

About 4600 words.


Suddenly, he shoves me away and I turn to see what’s going on. He’s got Lieutenant Devin’s P-90, and he and Sam are providing cover fire. Daniel looks like he does this every day, and now I’m really embarrassed - or would be, if I weren’t so busy being terrified. More bullets are stirring up dirt than hitting Jaffa, but it gives Colonel O'Neill, Teal’c, and Major Coker (yes, his title and name have been the source of some god-awful jokes around the SGC) time to drag the other three members of SG-9 toward... where are we going?

“Go!” Daniel screams at me over the gunfire. I obey automatically, only belatedly realizing I just took an order from Daniel - and he sounded as scary as O’Neill on a bad day. Daniel, the misplaced museum curator, my best and worst patient, the man who can have a barbarous hostile alien eating out of his hand - literally - in two days flat or your money back. I wonder, how did I not know he had this in him?

character: daniel jackson, team, character: janet frasier, action/adventure, character: jack o'neill, character: teal'c, friendship: daniel and janet, character: samantha carter, gen, humor, sg-1, character study, friendship: daniel and jack

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