Light Up, Light Up by briarpipe (PG-13)

Mar 05, 2009 19:33

Rec Category: Major Evan Lorne
Pairing: none
Category: Major Evan Lorne, Gen, Original characters, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka, Miko Kusanagi, Action-adventure, Atlantis, Team, Humor, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Episode related, Character study, Teyla Emmagan, Jennifer Keller, Samantha Carter, Ronon Dex, Rodney McKay, Mystery, Carson Beckett, Halling, the Athosians
Warning: Mild language
Author on LJ: or
Author's Website: or

Why This Must Be Read: Light Up, Light Up cleverly expands of the meaning of the word "team" into every member of the city and shows just how vital every person is to the well-being of the whole. It's well established that I'll read anything with mundane life on Atlantis but this story feels a bit like the author had a checklist of all my likes and loves. briarpipe even satisfies my secret yen for the Atlantis kitchen staff! The author pulls together the many disparate vignettes of what's happening in the lives of both minor and major characters into such a touching portrait of the Atlantis community that the slowly building and quite suspenseful mystery snuck up on me.

I highly recommend this story, which is full of laugh-out loud funny lines (the Zelenka-McKay slap fight is a must-read) and sentences that make me ache with their beauty. The list left on the wall in Bravo Company's barracks caused me to chuckle and cry at the very same time. Teyla's scenes are heartbreaking.  Each character is fully fleshed out, allowing me sneak peeks into their back stories. Many favorites appear such as the Athosians, Zelenka, Miko, Marie Ko, the Marines, even the city of Atlantis. I love John interacting with the various members of the military and using the chair. I especially adore the author's Lorne voice; it's as wistful, snarky, sensitive and insightful as I always imagine.

If you enjoy OT4, this author is a master of team love in both the carnal and platonic sense and has many other excellent stories you should check out. I was supposed to be editing a law review article for the last couple hours (darn you seductive internets!) so I swear I'll shut up for a while now.

A snippet...

Evan was outside looking up at the towers when he saw the jumper return. For a moment his hands twitched, regretting the lack of a camera to capture that moment of perfect hovering, impossible hummingbird motion as the golden rhombus seemed almost to kiss the tower before sinking down out of sight.

He sighed and closed his eyes, storing the image behind his eyelids, where he could at least try to draw it out again later, maybe put it down on canvas. Then his radio chirped.

"Sheppard to Lorne. Did you fall off a pier or something?"

"Sorry sir, be up in a minute."

"No rush, just wondering."

"On my way. Lorne out."

He ended up jogging most of the way to the transporter, having gone further out than he'd thought. Not a good impression for the guy who was nominally in charge while the Colonel was off playing island-hopper. But then, Sheppard didn't care so much how things looked. It was disconcerting and a relief both at once, and Evan still hadn't quite adapted. He wondered if he ever would.

character: halling, character: carson beckett, character: samantha carter, angst, character: john sheppard, mystery, team, character: evan lorne, action/adventure, episode related, character: ronon dex, gen, character: original, humor, character: jennifer keller, hurt/comfort, character: teyla emmagan, character: radek zelenka, character study, sga, character: miko kusanagi, character: rodney mckay

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