Women's Work by Rachel Sabotini (PG-13)

Feb 23, 2009 14:44

Rec Category: Femslash
Pairing: Miko Kusanagi /Laura Cadman
Category: Femslash, Atlantis, Character Study
Author on LJ: wickedwords
Author's Website: House O' Fanfic
Link: Women's Work

Why This Must Be Read:
It's become apparent to me that when someone wants to write an incredibly thoughtful SGA story, s/he often chooses Miko as the POV character. I absolutely love seeing Pegasus through Miko's eyes; her observations are not at all what Rodney sees or John sees or even what Elizabeth sees. Rachel does a wonderful job of fleshing out this character who gets a few onscreen minutes as a joke into a nuanced and strong woman. The femslash in this story is subtle; in the end, I think we readers are as surprised by Laura's feelings as Miko is. But then, like Miko, we look back over past events and we see all the clues--the affection, the concern--sitting right out in the open waiting to be noticed. There is a very interesting discussion of "Women's Work" HERE that I would also check out if you enjoy reading this fic.

Each time she'd changed schools, growing up, Miko became the last person picked for volleyball. Whenever her team competed, the other team took one look at her and immediately spiked the ball at her. Her arms were always covered in bruises, and she had to repair her glasses herself once, using black shrink-wrap tubing and a hair dryer-which she promptly forgot about for the next six months, leaving her glasses with the black tubing on them until her father finally noticed. But eventually, the other teams always learned that targeting her was a sucker bet. She had the most saves of anyone on her team.

character: laura cadman, femslash, character study, sga, character: miko kusanagi

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