Contemporary Wushu by Pares aka kormantic (G)

Feb 12, 2009 11:53

Rec Category: Ronon Dex
Pairing: none
Category: Ronon Dex, Bra'tac, Gen, Humor, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan
Warning: None
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Why This Must Be Read: You probably don't think of Bra'tac as particularly funny. This story will change that. Contemporary Wushu, short and sweet, features the bout of Ronon versus Bra'tac and the very enjoyable bone dry humor of Teal'c and Teyla as they watch. The fight is evocatively written; I could visualize while reading each move and countermove as punctuated by Bra'tac's taunts. It turns out the Jaffa master can crush as easily with his words as his staff. My favorite part is probably the little throwaway lines (Rodney and John have a laugh-out loud exchange), Bra'tac as the most lovable badass of all time and the characterization of Ronon up against something he's never encountered before, someone who can best him easily.

humor, character: bra'tac, character: teyla emmagan, character: teal'c, character: ronon dex, gen

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