Not Enough Beer, by Aelfgyfu (PG)

Feb 12, 2009 19:13

Rec Category: Jack and Sam friendship
Pairing: none
Categories: Jack and Sam friendship, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, gen, angst, episode related, character study
Warnings: some language
Author on LJ: aelfgyfu_mead
Author's Website: Aelfgyfu's Mead Hall
Link: Not Enough Beer ( feedback on LJ)

Why This Must Be Read: Here's a rarity for you all: a fic rec that takes place in S6, and isn't a tag for Abyss, Changeling, or Full Circle! :)

In the wake of Unnatural Selection, Sam pays Jack an off-duty visit and finds him on his roof, drinking a little too much beer as he contemplates what they've done. The conversation that follows is marvelous, as Sam argues both sides and challenges Jack with her questions about what is right and what is justified. There's the callback to what happened to Reese, Jack's struggle with self-doubts when the man who used to make him question himself is off in Omaland, and Sam's unshakable conviction in the nature of trust. All in all, Aelfgyfu treats us to a powerful character study with an excellent Jack POV, and you'll find yourself shifting perspective along with Jack and Sam.

“Not your fault, Carter. My orders, my responsibility.” A responsibility he hadn’t hesitated to accept, from the moment he’d said “five minutes” and signaled “three,” and he wasn’t going to shirk it now.

“And you think you did the right thing,” she said.

“Yes. In fact, I know I did the right thing.”

“That’s why you’re on the roof with all the beer you had in the house, sir?”

angst, friendship: jack and sam, character study, episode related, gen

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