Welcome to Second Chanceville by whimsicalwhims (Unrated by Author; PG by Rec'cer)

Feb 10, 2009 22:05

Rec Category: Jack/Daniel
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Category: Slash; Established Relationship; Humor; Angst; Point of View
Warning: None
Author on LJ: whimsicalwhims
Author's Website: None
Link: Welcome to Second Chanceville

Why This Must Be Read:  It's been four years since Jack and Daniel broke up, the Stargate Program's been declassified, Jack's still in D.C., and a tired, disillusioned Daniel comes knocking.  Told entirely from the lively and engaging point of view of Jack's young nephew, Nathan, the author seamlessly lets us in on his place in Jack's life and his own personality, while conveying and focusing on the leftover tension of Jack and Daniel's breakup, Daniel's unwelcome realization at just how compartmentalized Jack's life has always been, yet with the hope of possibility for the future.  Funny and real, spot-on characterizations of Daniel and Jack, with a refreshing and welcome original character and a perfect last line.

Author's Summary: "Years later, after the Stargate Program has been declassified, Daniel needs a break. The big surprise, however, is that Jack is now raising his teenage nephew."

humor, slash, angst, point of view, established relationship, pairing: daniel/jack

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