The Weight of Responsibility, by Margie (NC-17)

Dec 25, 2008 19:36

Rec Category: Episode Related
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir / Teyla Emmagen
Categories: episode tag, femslash,
Warnings: femslash, smut
Author on LJ: margarks
Author's Website: n/a

Summary: I get it! And if it worked as advertised, it would be wonderful. I'm trying to tell you I know Rodney McKay and there are times when I have to protect him from himself.
Link: The Weight of Responsibility

Why This Must Be Read: Because Teyla's voice rings so wonderfully true in this story, because Elizabeth/Teyla is awesome and because the friendship and relationship in this one shines through beautifully.

She glances up briefly and notices all the technicians busily studying their consoles. Through the clear glass she sees Elizabeth, too upset to remain sitting behind her desk. Rodney's shoulders are slumped, though his chin is tilted defiantly as he answers back in a voice that is too low to carry beyond Elizabeth's door.

She does not bother speaking to Ronon before she turns down the hall to her own quarters.

She wants Elizabeth, the comfort of her arms and the steady strength of her presence. But after what she has just witnessed, Teyla knows that it is Elizabeth who will need her strength, her comfort, tonight.

femslash, pairing: elizabeth/teyla, episode related, sga, smut

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